
I made vegetable stock,
and served seasoned kimchi.

My vegetable stock and kimchi were popular. That’s why my food went viral so to speak. We have television nowadays, but there was no such thing back then. The word still spread. People came from places like Uijeongbu and Seoul.


Above all,
vegetable stock and kimchi.
These two are most important.

No matter how delicious the seasoning is, you cannot create proper taste. Vegetable stock and kimchi are essential.


Everyone has his or her own taste.

Even if we use the same ingredients, taste differs according to the one who cooks. I’m not one to brag about my cooking skills, but I had never heard that I’m bad at cooking from anyone.


Noodles and vegetable stock are a perfect match.

These noodles are destined to be a big hit. Noodles are delicious, and vegetable stock is delicious. These noodles are very chewy and yummy. They don’t get mushy and soggy easily. It’s well-suited with vegetable stock. Very good.